A Dream Come True

By January 13, 2005July 5th, 2015The Rax Files

You have to relish good fortunes and good news when you get it, and this week has been great in regards to My Daughter’s Boyfriend. I got my first major exposure thru a Black Expressions ad that appeared in Sister 2 Sister’s Feb. issue (with Ludacris on the cover). So that was exciting.

And Karibu bookstore posted their list of the 2004 Top 20 Bestsellers for fiction and non-fiction. Well, check out the list for hardcover fiction:

1. Zane – Skyscraper (no surprise there. Zane is like an icon, with a huge following).

2. Drive Me Crazy by Eric Jerome Dickey (also predictable, this guy has a big following as well).

3. Some People, Some Other Place by J. California Cooper (she made the list even though her book came out in the Fall, very impressive).

4. Nervous by Zane (this is the 2nd of 4 total books that make the list – enough said).

5. Too Much of a Good Thing by Kimberla Lawson Roby (she is an established author whose books are crossing over).

6. Behind Those Eyes by T.P. Carter (all I wanna know is the author a guy or a girl?)

7. Gotham Diaries by Tonya Lewis Lee and Crystal McCrary (already celebrites in a way, and they received major media coverage for writing a chick lit book for AA’s).

8. Player Haters by Carl Weber (he’s another rising star, established, with a solid following).

9. Bling by Erica Kennedy (big media coverage, TV, newspaper, big advance, enough said). Great book too!

10. Somebody’s Gotta Be On Top by Mary B. Morrison (now she’s someone you should look out for. I have to give Mary her props because her audience keeps growing).

11. Little Scarlet by Walter Mosley (established, prolific author – no surprise).

12. My Daughter’s Boyfriend by Cydney Rax (Little Cydney Rax makes the list. Debut novel. Unknown author, not related to any celebrities, no huge advance, no great media coverage, but I believe the power of the Internet and the word of mouth helped the book to make the list. People either love or hate my book which tends to drive the sales. Plus God is good. 🙂 (enough said).

13. God Still Don’t Like Ugly by Mary Monroe (powerful statement to see that this book is still selling like fried chicken wings from Frenchy’s).

14. Afterburn by Zane (very impressive because the book just came out like, what, a few weeks ago? she’s smoking).

15. The Darkest Child by Delores Phillips (another debut novelist who wrote a critically acclaimed book. glad to see this one make the list because it’s a well-written novel).

16. Ride or Die by Solomon Jones (this is a little surprising because, well, it’s not the typical drama type stuff which tends to be popular).

17. Naughty or Nice (see no. 2).

18. Second Sunday by Michele Andrea Bowen (another bestseller that won’t go away).

19. Red Light Wives by Mary Monroe (Mary has 2 on the list, very impressive indeed).

20. Gettin’ Buck Wild by Zane (her 4th book – she has to be carrying the money bags to the bank with both hands)…

So you see, the few books that make this list are something else; there were soooooooooo many books released in 2004 I can’t name them all. But it feels very good to be included, and thanks to all of you that helped to make this happen. It is truly a dream come true.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Cydney Rax


About Cydney

Author Cydney Rax, her debut novel My Daughter’s Boyfriend was released to lots of fanfare – and much controversy due to its racy content. Since then, she’s become an influential writer with a dedicated fan following. Her other sexy love triangles novels include My Husband’s Girlfriend, My Sister’s Ex (cited by Essence® as one of 2009’s best reads), Brothers and Wives, and the popular novella Desperate Housewife which was featured in the Reckless anthology.


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