Originally posted on Monday, August 16, 2004

Thank you to my supporters

Being an author is partially everything and nothing you imagine it to be. Maybe that’s a good thing – because I learn something new probably every other day. Right now, I just want to give a mega shout out to all the folks that have:

1-Bought My Daughter’s Boyfriend
2-Read the book
3-Loved the book
4-Told someone else about the book
5-Ordered the book for their bookstore
6-Selected MDB as a book club pick
7-Borrowed it from the library
8-Anything else that suggests support of me and my debut novel I really do enjoy this part, the good news, the sales rankings, knowing that people are reading my book in Australia, London, and British Columbia, and I adore the bestseller status (I don’t care which list it hits, THANK YOU, for making it happen).

And thanks for the supportive e-mails, phone calls, etc., those things that stir up the joy inside my heart. Did I tell you that I LOVE GOOD NEWS! 🙂 I do!

Peace & love,
Cydney Rax


About Cydney

Author Cydney Rax, her debut novel My Daughter’s Boyfriend was released to lots of fanfare – and much controversy due to its racy content. Since then, she’s become an influential writer with a dedicated fan following. Her other sexy love triangles novels include My Husband’s Girlfriend, My Sister’s Ex (cited by Essence® as one of 2009’s best reads), Brothers and Wives, and the popular novella Desperate Housewife which was featured in the Reckless anthology.

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