Win an Oscar, Get a Divorce

By January 10, 2006July 5th, 2015The Rax Files

Academy Award Winner Hilary Swank and her hubby Chad Lowe are separating — another couple standing in the snaking line of the Hollywood Divorce Court. I just wonder what is it about Hollywood, or success perhaps, that makes it seems a relationship’s demise is inevitable. Yes, I was shocked when Nick and Jessica split up (I really hate believing the tabloids and I rejected all their juicy little know-it-all rumors). I wasn’t suprised by the break up of Gabrielle Union and her husband. And like most others, yeah, I was shocked that Brad Pitt would leave Jennifer. What’s the world coming to? And God forbid, the February issue of Ebony Magazine just hit the street – the issue where they proclaim the 10 hottest black couples. I really detest that type of story because a lot of times we don’t know what is going on behind closed doors when it comes to a famous couple’s relationship. We are in awe of their love, we envy how he treats her like a queen, but is he beating her like a fiend when no one is looking? Oh well, I guess that’s the point of this all. Never assume that a couple is truly happily in love. Next thing you know, you’ll be reading about their busting up in some newspaper. It happens!


About Cydney

Author Cydney Rax, her debut novel My Daughter’s Boyfriend was released to lots of fanfare – and much controversy due to its racy content. Since then, she’s become an influential writer with a dedicated fan following. Her other sexy love triangles novels include My Husband’s Girlfriend, My Sister’s Ex (cited by Essence® as one of 2009’s best reads), Brothers and Wives, and the popular novella Desperate Housewife which was featured in the Reckless anthology.

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